Symbol Company Name |
Sector | Market Capitalization (INR Crores) | Close Price (INR) | CMP (INR) | % Change | Current Dividend Yield (TTM) | Consensus Mean Target Price (INR) | Close Price Above 52 Week Low |
DMART Avenue Supermarts Ltd |
Consumer Staples | 233,847.44 | 3,593.60 | 3797.10 | 5.66 | 0.0% | 4,069.76 | 7.6% |
SUNPHARMA Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd |
Health Care | 386,519.93 | 1,609.30 | 1683.45 | 4.61 | 1.0% | 2,033.67 | 16.9% |
XXXX | XXXX | XXXX | XXXX | -100.00 | XXXX | XXXX | XXXX |
XXXX | XXXX | XXXX | XXXX | -100.00 | XXXX | XXXX | XXXX |
XXXX | XXXX | XXXX | XXXX | -100.00 | XXXX | XXXX | XXXX |
XXXX | XXXX | XXXX | XXXX | -100.00 | XXXX | XXXX | XXXX |
XXXX | XXXX | XXXX | XXXX | -100.00 | XXXX | XXXX | XXXX |
XXXX | XXXX | XXXX | XXXX | -100.00 | XXXX | XXXX | XXXX |
XXXX | XXXX | XXXX | XXXX | -100.00 | XXXX | XXXX | XXXX |
XXXX | XXXX | XXXX | XXXX | -100.00 | XXXX | XXXX | XXXX |
Note: 1Y = 1 Year; 3Y = 3 Years; 5Y = 5 Years; ROE refers to return on equity; ROIC refers to return on invested capital; PE refers to price to earnings ratio; TTM refers to Trailing Twelve Months; LFY refers to last fiscal year; EPS refers to Basic Earnings per Share; P/E refers to Price to Earnings Ratio; SMA refers to simple moving average; CMP refers to Current Market Price; WACC refers to Weighted Average Cost of Capital; LTM refers to Last Twelve Months; D/E refers Debt to Equity Ratio; Current Asset metrics for 'Banks' refer to end of period (EOP) loans divided by end of period (EOP) deposits
^Broker estimates for upcoming fiscal year
Beaten-Down Stocks - Nifty LargeMidCap 250 Index | 10 Day Return | 1 Month Return | 3 Month Return | 6 Month Return | 1 Year Return |
*Average Price Change (%) | -2.14% | -7.54% | -15.73% | -17.29% | 2.48% |
Excess Return over NIFTY50% | -0.56% | -3.27% | -7.12% | -8.03% | 2.22% |
Nifty 50 Return% | -1.57% | -4.28% | -8.61% | -9.25% | 0.26% |
Beaten-Down Stocks Data Parameters | |
Metrics | Rationale |
Current Market Price | Typically identify stocks that are trading below 52 week high |
LTM Revenue Growth | Identifies if the business is able to expand its horizons in terms of delivering goods and/or services |
5Y Average EBITDA Growth | Typically indicates a trend of improvement in the efficiency of the company to generate positive cash flows |
5Y Average Net Margin | A positive trend in net margin signify company's degree of cost management and ability to convert revenue into profits |
LTM Earnings per Share | A positive trend in earnings per share signifies stability in the company and ability to pay dividends or reinvest |
LFY Operating Cash Flow Positive | Positive Operating Cash Flow identifies how effectively a company can convert its top-line to cash |
5Y Average Return on Equity | Typically enable investor to gauge business' profitability and ability to utilise shareholders' money |
About the screener
The beaten-down fundamental companies data reflect companies from the small capitalisation to large capitalisation universe that are typically trading 15% below 52-week high levels. These companies have positive operating cash flow growth on last twelve-month basis and have managed to post above-historical average revenue and EPS growth.
When markets witness sharp correction for multiple reasons, including macro factors, and geopolitical issues, most of the companies tend to follow the bearish trend irrespective of their fundamentals. However, when markets rebound, fundamentally sound companies may recover faster than other companies.
This data screen of Kalkine can help identify companies with sound fundamentals that have become a victim of the overall market correction without having any adverse change in their fundamentals.
Beaten-down companies data screener of Kalkine helps identify beaten-down fundamental companies that warrant further analysis.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q. Why do fundamentally sound companies face price correction despite having strong fundamentals?
Ans. Typically, when the overall market sentiment are negative, most of the companies, irrespective of fundamentals witness downward price correction, however, they tend to reverse, as market participants tend to become risk-averse and book profit in these companies.
Q. Why should you consider fundamentally sound companies that are beaten-down ?
Ans. Typically, fundamentally sound companies are considered since they exhibit healthy balance sheet, stable cash flows, mature business model and stable return on equity, and therefore, they may have better prospects from mid-to-long term perspective. It may be possible that due to overall market sentiments, and sector rotation, these companies are trading less than their intrinsic value.
Q. Does this screen show stock data from a particular sector?
Ans. No, this screen includes companies from across the sectors and across the market capitalisation category.
Q. What do the Consensus Ratings and Consensus Mean Target Price of a stock indicate?
Ans. The consensus mean target is deduced using statistical averages of broker estimates determined to be on the majority accounting basis and is provided by the licensed data provider. The price Target is the projected price level forecasted by the respective analyst(s) within a specific time horizon.
The mean consensus ratings are based on the data provided by the licensed data provider. The Consensus Ratings is based on the Standard Scale of 1) Strong Buy, 2) Buy, 3) Hold, 4) Sell, and 5) Strong Sell.