Symbol Company Name |
Sector | Market Capitalization (INR Crores) | Close Price (INR) | CMP (INR) | % Change | Current Dividend Yield (TTM) | Consensus Mean Target Price (INR) | Close Price Above 52 Week Low |
Consumer Discretionary | 51,687.89 | 902.85 | 935.50 | 3.62 | 0.2% | 1,136.00 | 49.0% |
BERGEPAINT Berger Paints India Ltd |
Materials | 56,750.65 | 488.20 | 502.65 | 2.96 | 0.7% | 495.95 | 11.5% |
XXXX | XXXX | XXXX | XXXX | -100.00 | XXXX | XXXX | XXXX |
XXXX | XXXX | XXXX | XXXX | -100.00 | XXXX | XXXX | XXXX |
XXXX | XXXX | XXXX | XXXX | -100.00 | XXXX | XXXX | XXXX |
XXXX | XXXX | XXXX | XXXX | -100.00 | XXXX | XXXX | XXXX |
XXXX | XXXX | XXXX | XXXX | -100.00 | XXXX | XXXX | XXXX |
XXXX | XXXX | XXXX | XXXX | -100.00 | XXXX | XXXX | XXXX |
XXXX | XXXX | XXXX | XXXX | -100.00 | XXXX | XXXX | XXXX |
XXXX | XXXX | XXXX | XXXX | -100.00 | XXXX | XXXX | XXXX |
Note: 1Y = 1 Year; 3Y = 3 Years; 5Y = 5 Years; ROE refers to return on equity; ROIC refers to return on invested capital; PE refers to price to earnings ratio; TTM refers to Trailing Twelve Months; LFY refers to last fiscal year; EPS refers to Basic Earnings per Share; P/E refers to Price to Earnings Ratio; SMA refers to simple moving average; CMP refers to Current Market Price; WACC refers to Weighted Average Cost of Capital; LTM refers to Last Twelve Months; D/E refers Debt to Equity Ratio; Current Asset metrics for 'Banks' refer to end of period (EOP) loans divided by end of period (EOP) deposits
^Broker estimates for upcoming fiscal year
Liquidity Stocks - Nifty LargeMidCap 250 Index | 10 Days Return | 1 Month Return | 3 Month Return | 6 Month Return | 1 Year Return |
*Average Price Change (%) | 0.51% | -2.23% | -12.61% | -18.4% | 2.89% |
Excess Return over NIFTY50% | 1.16% | 0.52% | -3.03% | -6.73% | 1.07% |
Nifty 50 Return% | -0.66% | -2.75% | -9.57% | -11.67% | 1.82% |
Liquidity Stocks Data Parameters | ||
Metrics | Rationale | |
LFY Returns on Equity (ROE) | Enable investor to gauge business' profitability and ability to utilise shareholders' money | |
LFY Returns on Equity (ROE) | Enable investor to gauge business' profitability and ability to utilise shareholders' money | |
3Y Historical Average Current Ratio | Identifies a business with low risk of distress or default against operational creditors | |
3Y Historical Average Debt to Equity Ratio | A consistently low debt to equity ratio reduces the chances of bankruptcy in the event of economic downturns | |
LFY Net Debt to EBITDA Ratio | A lower Net Debt to EBITDA ratio signifies the company's balance sheet strength and ability to grow using shareholders' equity | |
LFY Operating Cash Flow Growth | A positive cash flow growth identifies how effectively a company can convert its top-line to cash |
Description of Kalkine’s Liquidity Stocks Screener
Liquidity stocks screener aims to reflect companies with positive price momentum and the ability to clear long-term and short-term obligations. These companies do not belong to any specific market capitalisation category, such as large-cap, small-cap or mid-cap. Both technical and fundamental criterias are used to screen these companies from available NSE-listed stocks.
Cash flow statement and balance sheet figures and ratios such as operating cash flow yield, current ratio, interest coverage ratios, etc., are analysed for companies that show positive price momentum. The key technical indicator used is current market price above 200-days simple moving average to check for price momentum. Further, the screener also checks the balance sheet strength and the company’s ability to grow using equity.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. How to identify companies with high financial liquidity?
Ans. Typically, companies with positive operating cash flow, quick ratio and current ratio above the industry average are known as financially liquid companies. These companies are expected to have the ability to clear their short-term liabilities in time. A low net-debt to equity ratio further ensures that the company will be able to sustain its business in the event of an economic downturn.
2. Why is it important to identify the momentum in prices of a stock?
Ans. Momentum--bearish or bullish--is used to trade shares of a particular company. It shows the rate of change in price movement over a period of time to help identify the strength of a trend so that one can take positions accordingly. Various technical indicators are used on a price chart to determine the strength of a share's existing trend.
3. Does this screen show companies’ data from a particular sector?
Ans. No, this screen includes companies from across the sectors and market capitalisation.
4. What do the Consensus Ratings and Consensus Mean Target Price of a company indicate?
Ans. The consensus mean target is deduced using statistical averages of broker estimates determined to be on the majority accounting basis and is provided by the licensed data provider. The price target is the projected price level forecasted by the respective analyst(s) within a specific time horizon.
The mean consensus rating is based on the data provided by the licensed data provider. The Consensus Rating is based on the Standard Scale of 1) Strong Buy, 2) Buy, 3) Hold, 4) Sell, and 5) Strong Sell.